Gaddafi's tanks fired on residential areas

Libya: Fierce battle for Zawiyah amid claims Gaddafi's tanks fired on residential areas

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has sent in new forces towards the western town of Zawiyah after Libyan rebels repelled an attack by his soldiers on Saturday.

An unkempt militia of jittery factory workers and shopkeepers, their anti-aircraft guns blazing away at empty skies, on Tuesday vowed to hold eastern Libya's front line a day after it was bombed by Col Muammar Gaddafi's air force.
  Protesters opposed to leader Muammar Gaddafi on a tank of Libyan army defectors, in the city of Zawiyah Photo: REUTERS
Gaddafi's forces were driven out of central Zawiyah on Saturday morning, but returned with reinforcements.
They also were reported to have erected road blocks preventing entry to the town.
Youssef Shagan, spokesman for the rebels, said that Gaddafi's forces had earlier been defeated.
"They entered Zawiyah at six in the morning with heavy forces, hundreds of soldiers with tanks. Our people fought back ... We have won for now and civilians are gathering in the square."
Mr Shagan said that earlier on Saturday, Gaddafi forces had fired high explosive rounds in the centre of the town, 30 miles west of the capital Tripoli, and rebel forces had captured two tanks.

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